Consider becoming a Utah Filmmakers™ Community Liaison.
The Utah Filmmakers™ Community Liaison Program was started in 2019 to better enable the organization to show its support for the film community.
Our Liaisons receive an official UFA™ T-shirt—courtesy of Red Finch Rental—to wear when they attend local film-related events like premieres, networking socials, film festivals, workshops, etc.
This volunteer program is open to individuals that already participate in such local events at their own expense and are willing to help the Utah Filmmakers™ Association show its support by being official representatives of the UFA™, helping to create greater awareness of our organization.
Community Liaisons also have access to the official Utah Filmmakers™ Instagram account so they can post images and videos of the events that they attend through our Social Media presence in a sincere effort to complement the promotional efforts of event organizers. So, when you see them, be sure to say hello!
On occasion, a limited number of our Community Liaisons may receive press access to an event, allowing them to attend at no personal cost beyond their own time and transportation expenses. Receiving press credentials is completely at the discretion of event organizers and does require a somewhat greater effort on the part of Community Liaisons when attending to actively promote the event in real-time with photo and video posts to Instagram, as well as live videos shared in the Utah Filmmakers™ Facebook group.
Local film-related event organizers that are interested in providing press access to our Community Liaisons are invited to contact the Utah Filmmakers™ Association directly.