Celebrating the diversity of Utah filmmakers
“...Being respectful means being inclusive, polite, patient, understanding, and courteous. One must respect the rights of others…and recognize that there is strength in diversity...
“...An environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither productive nor creative.”
Our Core Values are not just words on a page. They are intended to guide our actions and decisions. The Utah Filmmakers™ Association recognizes the importance of representation in the media for marginalized communities while acknowledging the entertainment industry's unfortunate—and ongoing—history of discrimination and exclusion.
We applaud efforts to correct discriminatory practices and expand opportunities for underrepresented filmmakers in front of and behind the camera, but much work remains.
One small—albeit symbolic—contribution that we, as an organization, can make toward that effort is to design variations of our Utah Filmmaker™ badge to celebrate the diversity of our members.
Individual assets can be downloaded from the embedded table:
The organization is releasing these badges as digital assets under a Creative Commons license that our members can use to show their pride as Utah Filmmakers™ and as representatives of their particular communities. They are welcome to incorporate them into promotional materials for themselves, their projects, branding, and events, including merchandise they can share and sell—royalty-free!—if they choose.
“Utah Filmmaker™ Community Badges” by the Utah Filmmakers™ Association are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International |